How to Improve Your Construction Crew’s Performance

  • Editorial Team
  • Heavy Construction Equipment
  • 1 November 2022

Sometimes, project managers struggle with getting the crew to show up on time and deliver high quality work. If you are struggling with getting your team members to stay on schedule, you need to take certain steps to improve their accountability. The following are a few things that you can incorporate in your practice to improve your construction crew’s performance.

Clear Expectations

If you want your team members to be accountable, you need to clearly define what you are expecting from them on the job. Your team should know from the outset what is expected of them so they know how they can meet the requirements of the project. If your goals are clear and you communicate with your crew often, you will always be aware of their progress, and they will also be more attentive. Make sure to schedule meetings regularly to find out what they are up to and how long it will take them to get certain tasks done. Also, be sure to include detailed notes, charts, and pictures in your regular meetings so your team members know what you are expecting from them.

Before you start working on a project, ensure that your team is ready to face the challenges that lie ahead. Getting a project or finding reliable used heavy equipment dealers would not do you any good if your crew is not prepared for the job. Setting clear goals and expectations from the start is extremely important for the success of a project.

Regular Training

If, on the job, you see a crew member making a mistake or performing the task differently than how you expected, you can take this as an opportunity to continue training them instead of worrying. Construction crew members are often left confused with the directions if they are too complicated or if the project that they are working on is different from what they were prepared. Therefore, if you know there is a difference in the way that the job was done and the way you wanted it to be, make sure to convey that with the crew and provide them with your reasoning. If you want your team to be able to deliver high quality work consistently in the long term, you need to trust their intentions.

Trust Your Team

Although it is important to monitor your crew’s work, make sure that you do not end up over monitoring and micromanaging your team. When it comes to team performance, micromanagement tends to breed distrust and usually does the opposite of what was intended. Try to stop yourself from micromanaging the team.

If you find yourself checking up on your team constantly and telling them how to do their job, even the smallest of steps, it means you are micromanaging. The purpose of having a team is so that you do not have to do the work on your own. What you need to do is make sure that they are able to do their job correctly even without you having to be there.


For any team to reach higher levels of efficiency, they need feedback. Most of the time, people only get feedback when things go wrong or do not get it at all, but it is very important for the growth of a team. If your team members know how they are performing, it will allow them to focus on the things that they need to work on.

Your team should also be able to give you feedback about the project. This way, you will be able to deal with any issues or concerns that the team may have. Your work environment should be positive, and your crew should be comfortable giving feedback just as they are receiving it.