How to Keep Construction Equipment Expenses in Check

  • Editorial Team
  • Heavy Construction Equipment
  • 21 November 2022

Contractors always find it challenging to ensure that their machinery expenses remain in check. With the recent increase in fuel prices it has becoming even more challenging. Nowadays, a lot of heavy equipment owners are making more of an effort to ensure that their equipment has a long service life. Fleet owners now use fluid analytics to make sure that their off road machines perform at top levels while in their care. 

Analyze Fluid Levels

A lot of people overlook how important fluid levels are when it comes to machinery maintenance. Simply by analyzing the engine oil, coolant and hydraulic fluid levels of your machine you can find out about the machine’s internal health. It is also possible to predict any potential failures and determine how effective maintenance procedures are by analyzing the machine’s fluid levels. 

Since fluid level analysis makes detection of problems early on possible you can make necessary repairs before they turn into major failures. With the help of this process, you can schedule downtime for your equipment. You will also see the benefits of it when it is time for you to offload your used equipment and you are trying to get a good resale price. Fluid analysis reports will help in developing complete service history records for your equipment which would increase it’s resale price. 

Monitor Equipment Condition

As a contractor your preventative maintenance plan should include both fluid maintenance and equipment condition monitoring. By ensuring that you have a dedicated condition monitoring program in place you will be able to prevent any unnecessary downtime that could result in expensive repairs. A lot of companies lose a decent amount of their profit paying for unnecessary repair costs that they could have avoided simply by including advanced fluid diagnostic capabilities in their monitoring process. You need to make sure that you are prioritizing your machine’s health and providing it with regular care.