Manage Construction Finances with Accounting Software

  • Editorial Team
  • Equipment Financing
  • 26 October 2023

For anyone facing challenges in construction accounting it is a good idea to consider switching to accounting software instead of trying to do everything manually. You can actually reduce errors by making this switch along with simplifying the process for yourself.

But before getting into the advantages of construction accounting software, it is good for you to understand the unique challenges faced by accounting operations in construction organizations.

Detailed Cost Tracking and Project Management

Managing multiple projects with a lot of different cost components, subcontractors, and change orders.

The need for effective project management and meticulous cost allocation across a number of projects.

Disorganization of project finances can lead to errors, delays, and cost overruns.

Profit Recognition Rollercoaster

Revenue recognition complexities due to the length and intricacy of construction projects.

Difficulty in determining when and how to recognize revenue, especially in long-term contracts.

Compliance with accounting standards like completion percentage or completed contract methods adds to the complexity.

Budgeting and Job Costing Problems

Accurate job costing and budgeting are a must for any type project profitability and financial planning.

Precise expense allocation among personnel, materials, heavy equipment, and subcontractors requires meticulous record keeping.

Efficient systems and procedures help with the management of job costing and budgeting. This is of course what results in accurate financial estimates and informed decision making.

Manual Procedures and Data Entry Challenges

Time consuming and prone to error paper based methods and manual data entry does not work.

There is more of an error risk and inconsistency when transposing data from multiple sources using spreadsheets. Manual processes hinder real-time access to financial information, causing missed opportunities and decision making delays.

Complexities of Regulation and Compliance

There needs to be adherence to various laws and accounting standards (e.g., IFRS and GAAP) in the construction sector.

Financial reporting and auditing processes become more intricate when complying with industry-specific requirements.

Non-compliance can even lead to fines, damage to reputation, and strained stakeholder relations.

Changing Accounting Procedures with Construction Accounting Software

Construction accounting software brings lots of benefits that impact business finances positively.

Automation and Data Management Integration

Centralized databases provided by construction accounting software can facilitate connectivity with some software platforms like project management and payroll.

Automation of data input and invoice processing eliminates labor intensive manual tasks, helping with accuracy and efficiency.

Cost Management and Project Tracking

Real time project tracking empowers project managers and accounting teams to monitor expenses, prevent budget overruns, and gain valuable insights into project profitability.

Accurate job costing and budgeting capabilities support data driven decision-making and sound financial planning.

Streamlined Financial Reporting and Compliance

Construction accounting software also simplifies the creation of financial statements and ensures the compliance with industry specific accounting standards such as GAAP and IFRS.

Automated compliance procedures help to reduce errors, minimize the risk of fines, and expedite audit and tax preparation.

Data Integrity and Accuracy

Construction accounting software safeguards against errors throughout the financial management process.

It has advanced error-checking algorithms and automates data entry to reduce any human errors. Streamlined reconciliation processes promote consistency among a bunch of financial documents, while stringent data security controls protect sensitive financial data.

When selecting construction accounting software for your business, you should consider its features and the aforementioned factors.