Importance of Diversity and Inclusion in Construction

  • Editorial Team
  • Construction Career Outlook
  • 10 November 2023

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) may not always receive the attention it deserves in the construction industry, but the business case for fostering diversity is compelling. A 2020 McKinsey study found that businesses with diverse workforces are 35% more likely to outperform national industry averages financially. As the CEO of NOVO Construction, a recognized minority business enterprise, stated that he has seen firsthand how prioritizing diversity can drive business growth and innovation.

Clearly Define Your DEI Goals

Articulate the “why” behind your commitment to DEI, encompassing ethical principles and business expansion. Sharing your motivations with leadership and the entire workforce helps create a unified commitment to diversity. The Ceo said that his personal background as a first-generation Chinese-American influenced NOVO Construction’s focus on diversity, emphasizing the importance of harnessing unique abilities in both work and life.

Prioritize Collaborations that Promote Diversity

Inclusive partnerships with neighborhood groups, community organizations, and diverse subcontractors are very much necessary. Collaborate with organizations such as Girls Garage to support female representation in the industry.

Prioritize Inclusive Recruitment

Make recruiting diverse candidates a top priority. For instance you can try and make sure that your company’s leadership includes an equal representation of women. Partner with organizations and campaigns that align with your DEI goals. This will help you stay true to your commitment to promoting diversity in the industry.

Advocate for Responsibility and Education

Overcoming biases in the construction sector requires ongoing training on topics like implicit bias, cultural sensitivity, and diversity. Accountability is an important factor when curbing inappropriate behavior and fostering a culture of inclusivity. Encourage hands-on leadership to lead by example.

The Power of Mentorship and Employee Resource Groups

Establish mentorship programs that pair underrepresented employees with experienced executives. This fosters camaraderie, helps leadership understand minority needs as well. It will also help in informing the development of effective DEI initiatives. Create employee resource groups to provide platforms for employees to connect, share experiences, and drive inclusive events and policies.