Practical Steps for Small-Scale Sustainability in Construction

  • Editorial Team
  • Construction Career Outlook
  • 26 December 2023

Sustainability is gaining traction in both construction companies and among consumers, prompting a quest for innovative approaches to minimize environmental impact. Although major modifications, such as switching to electrically powered vehicle fleets, help achieve sustainability goals, they tend to be expensive and time-consuming. These are five simple changes that construction companies can adopt to promote sustainability and get considerable benefits:

Locally Sourced Materials

Sourcing building materials from remote locations contributes to costs a lot of money and the transportation process releases a lot of carbon footprint in the air. the construction industry reportedly releases approximately 10% of the greenhouse gas in the air. which is increasing with each passing day.

Procuring building materials locally, whenever possible, reduces the industry’s carbon footprint associated with material transportation. Besides contributing to environmental conservation, this approach typically lowers overall project costs, thus enhancing profit margins. While not all supplies may be locally available, prioritizing local equipment dealers and vendors reduces reliance on distant sources for materials.

To achieve this, you need to contact the local dealers so that they can supply materials at a low cost when you need them. If you will frequently deal with them or partner with them, it will be beneficial for you both. This will not only help contribute to sustainability but also promote the local businesses to work together.

Reducing Single-Use Plastics

The construction industry heavily employs plastic, often in durable materials like PVC. However, minimizing single-use plastics is a must. Encouraging employees to utilize reusable water bottles and collaborating with suppliers to substitute plastic packaging with reusable alternatives helps in diminishing the waste and the environmental impact.

There are many options available in the market that may replace the plastic. All you need to do is contact the expert and discuss with them what is suitable material before starting construction. You may discuss these matters during the project design to save time as well.

Noise and Pollution Reduction

Noise pollution is one of the major concerns in the construction industry. The construction and demolition projects create a lot of unwanted and irritating noise and disturb the environment.

Noise pollution in construction sites also affects both the workers and the environment. especially if you are working in any residential area, it must be irritating the residents and disturbing them. the noise of using heavy machines, generators and other tools produces too much noise.

Try investing in some noise reduction solutions, such as damping foam and acoustic barriers, which minimize noise pollution. This contributes to a healthier work environment for the employees and reduces the disturbance to wildlife. Further, if you are working in a residential area, you must notify the neighbours about the ongoing construction work so that they may arrange something and be prepared in advance.

Integration of Solar Technology

Another thing you can do is embrace photovoltaic solar technology in construction practices. Doing that both on-site and in offices will be good in reducing the carbon footprint. Solar technology, including solar panels and lights, effectively reduces pollution and energy costs while providing much-needed visibility.

However, before installing the solar panels at the site, you must ensure the site receives enough sunlight. also, choose the right type of solar panel so that you may take the most out of it. If you are not sure how to install a solar pane, you must consult an expert and install it in the right way. if you install the panel wrong, you may not get enough energy for the site.

Promoting Recycled Clothing and Safety Gear

Every year a very hefty amount of clothing undergoes in waste. most of them are even in good condition. this large amount of fabric waste piles up contributing to an increase the environmental pollution.

Encouraging the use of recycled safety gear and clothing reduces the environmental impact of producing new apparel considerably. Implementing incentives or partial payments for employees purchasing recycled gear will foster a culture of sustainability within the workforce. construction workers may reuse the safety gear and promote the culture for the young workers as well.

These simple adjustments contribute to quite a lot of sustainability gains without any overwhelming costs or drastic changes. As businesses review their sustainability plans, these practical approaches might be the way for a greener and more responsible construction industry.